We VIDIVUKAALAM is a Non-Profitable organization established with a goal to uplift the poor’s life in the rural India by providing a quality education to the children. The people of VIDIVUKAALAM are a team who has the similar aim of service. The service is a word, with many synonyms. We people are focusing on a single thing which is the lead path to reach the life of light i.e. Education .
The rays of it can spread and make the person to visualize their aim, to reach out their necessities and to express their innovative views which will lead the nation to meet healthy changes.
I turn back and look at the path I have travelled in my life and I could see it like a forest pathway filled with stones and thorns. We battled against hunger without even a guarantee for next time food, those were the hurdle period which is a below poverty line life with lots of pains and sorrows.
Somehow, I could climb from the poverty well and reached the land by holding the education rope with the aid of merciful hands extended by many good hearted people.
It is certainly not adequate even I keep saying billions of “Thanks” till my last breath to those who gave the salvation for my poor life and it cannot be compensated by any means. As a result of my continuous erosive inner thoughts on how to repay this unpayable debt, the origin of Vidivukaalam is bloomed.
To provide a candle light in the form of good quality education for the children who are struggling to find their way out from their dark life.
To adopt an underprivileged government school in the rural tamilnadu and to provide all needed supports for the students to make them stand independently with an improved talent, knowledge, thought, attitude, creativity and also with confidence.
- To conduct after-school program to facilitate special coaching in academic skills
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
VIDIVUKAALAM FOUNDATION is a non-profitable organisation registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1961 ( Reg. No. 297/IV/2014 , Dated 9th Dec-2014 at Chennai), with a goal to uplift the poor’s life in the rural India.
VIDIVUKAALAM FOUNDATION is registered under sections 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and 80G (Income Tax Exemption for Donors) with a Unique Registration No. AABTV9435DF20217.
As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to make an individual self-reliant, helps to suppress the social evils and contribute towards the development of society and nation as a whole.